

The journey to the Olympics in Rio is a steep, difficult incline for US handball players, but American athletes are truly among the toughest and most resilient. Team Handball is absolutely ready for the US to break through, and I plan to be among those representing Team USA in 2016!

I am currently living in Le Pouzin, France for three months training with the USA women’s coach and his third division French club. The month of August is a national team camp, during which my team will train and compete against local clubs. After those three weeks, a few of my teammates and I will remain in France to continue playing alongside his team until mid-October. After that, my next steps could be Spain, South America, or back to the States for a full-time national team residency program.

All blog updates from France will be located under the “France” section (obviously!). But because my first international experience with handball took place during my months in Denmark in 2010, I have kept those posts up categorized under “Denmark” so you can see just how far I’ve come!

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